In English, Keskustelunavaukset 2.3.2023 Reflecting on the DIG4LIFE Project: Productivity and Inspiration in Klaipeda DIG4LIFE – Digital for Literacy and Future Education is an ERASMUS+ project that aims to... Lue lisää
In English, LbD & pedagogiikka 30.11.2022 The CLIDEV nine-field framework – A tool for categorizing teaching and learning activities This article introduces a framework combining both pedagogical and co-creation viewpoints for categorizing different teaching... Lue lisää
In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu 23.11.2022 Roadmap to the Export Trade Risk Management According to various studies and barometers, export trade risk management cannot be considered a strength... Lue lisää
In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu 6.5.2022 Inclusion through the workplace – Vantaa upskilling solutions The Urban Growth Vantaa project (Urbaania kasvua Vantaa in Finnish) co-created and piloted upskilling solutions... Lue lisää
In English, LbD & pedagogiikka 23.3.2022 Digital Creativity in Fun Learning Fun and playful learning is relevant not only in any preschool, but also at every... Lue lisää
2 14.2.2025 Hyvinvointi & terveyden edistäminen Hoitotyön harjoittelupolkumalli leikkausosastolla – sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden kokemuksia harjoitteluista
4 13.2.2025 Hyvinvointi & terveyden edistäminen Hoitotyön harjoittelupolkumalli leikkausosastolla – pilotin tulokset
2 27.11.2019 In English, Kehittyvä kollega, Kysytty kumppani CELLL – a toolkit for co-creating circular economy business models
3 28.10.2021 In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu Co-Creation in Living Labs: Insights from Digital Living Lab Days
4 30.11.2022 In English, LbD & pedagogiikka The CLIDEV nine-field framework – A tool for categorizing teaching and learning activities
6 3.12.2021 Digitaalinen yhteiskunta, In English Roadmap for a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) co-creation process Case: Care for Europe Erasmus+ KA2 MOOC