Avoimuus & vastuullisuus, In English 30.1.2023 “Sharing such a personal story for a room full of total strangers must have required a lot of courage and strength” – the Erasmus+ project ILO is empowering highly educated migrants Even today Europe is filled with many talented and well-educated migrants who are not able... Lue lisää
In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu 28.4.2022 On the move: Supporting highly educated migrants in Europe Case: Erasmus+ project ILO We live in very complex times. Our world is constantly facing massive changes and challenges,... Lue lisää
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1 28.4.2022 In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu On the move: Supporting highly educated migrants in Europe Case: Erasmus+ project ILO
2 30.1.2023 Avoimuus & vastuullisuus, In English “Sharing such a personal story for a room full of total strangers must have required a lot of courage and strength” – the Erasmus+ project ILO is empowering highly educated migrants