In English, Kysytty kumppani, Onnistuva opiskelija 12.3.2019 Multisensory Space as a Creative Environment for Social Services Thesis Process: Summary of Taisekwa Sigobodhla’s Study on a Multisensory Approach in Strengthening the Development of Multicultural Identity and Supporting Parents URN Lue lisää
In English, Onnistuva opiskelija 8.3.2019 Shaah & Sheeko; Ebracing identity in the multisensory space for adolescent girls: Summary of a study made in ELO-project Our project with ELO was a functional study concentrating on offering a safe and comfortable... Lue lisää
2 14.2.2025 Hyvinvointi & terveyden edistäminen Hoitotyön harjoittelupolkumalli leikkausosastolla – sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden kokemuksia harjoitteluista
4 13.2.2025 Hyvinvointi & terveyden edistäminen Hoitotyön harjoittelupolkumalli leikkausosastolla – pilotin tulokset
1 12.3.2019 In English, Kysytty kumppani, Onnistuva opiskelija Multisensory Space as a Creative Environment for Social Services Thesis Process: Summary of Taisekwa Sigobodhla’s Study on a Multisensory Approach in Strengthening the Development of Multicultural Identity and Supporting Parents
2 8.3.2019 In English, Onnistuva opiskelija Shaah & Sheeko; Ebracing identity in the multisensory space for adolescent girls: Summary of a study made in ELO-project