Avoimuus & vastuullisuus, In English 26.11.2024 Creating Socially Sustainable Education Export: An Anthropological Perspective Education export is a relatively new and expanding sector in Finnish higher education (The Finnish... Lue lisää
Avoimuus & vastuullisuus, In English 22.11.2024 Laurea LOHTU Further Education Course: Sustainability Competences for ECEC and Primary Schools In autumn 2024, Laurea UAS arranged a sustainability-oriented further education course LOHTU (6 ECTS) that... Lue lisää
In English, Keskustelunavaukset 18.11.2024 Building Future Leadership through the IDG Framework I had the privilege of participating in the three-day Inner Development Goals (IDG) Summit, “The... Lue lisää
In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu 1.11.2024 Practical Insights and Tools for Systemic Transitions How can transition theories be turned into practical tools for system change? At Engagement Week... Lue lisää
In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu 19.8.2024 Leveraging Innovation Ecosystems for Wellbeing in Sustainable Cities This article explores the insights gained from case-examples of cities working on sustainability from an... Lue lisää
5 4.12.2024 Vaikuttava korkeakoulu Ikääntyneiden hoitajien näkemykset osaamisestaan ja koulutustarpeistaan
6 4.12.2024 LbD & pedagogiikka Pedagogiikkaa sinne ja takaisin – erään lehtorin oivalluksia opettamiskokemuksista Kiinassa
1 6.6.2023 Avoimuus & vastuullisuus, In English Recommendations for SMEs to overcome challenges related to sustainable business practices
2 3.4.2023 Avoimuus & vastuullisuus, In English How can a small slow fashion brand communicate sustainability clearly and effectively and avoid greenwashing?
3 19.1.2024 Avoimuus & vastuullisuus, In English Crafting Consciousness in Fashion: An Upcycling Workshop for Gen Z
4 7.11.2023 Avoimuus & vastuullisuus, In English Understanding Generation Z’s (un)sustainable fashion consumption: Insights from an Empathy Workshop for the VISU project