In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu 25.6.2024 The Inclusion ACAdemy 2023-2024 I was happy to be selected to represent Laurea in the in the 18-month training... Lue lisää
In English, Keskustelunavaukset 20.6.2024 Inspiration at the International Staff week in Almeria, the “Sea of Knowledge” I was happy that I had the opportunity to join the annual international Week of... Lue lisää
Avoimuus & vastuullisuus, In English 31.5.2024 Navigating Sustainability in Higher Education: Reflections from the International Week in Roskilde In April 2024, I had the opportunity to participate in an international week hosted by... Lue lisää
In English, Keskustelunavaukset 3.4.2024 Laurea International Week 2024: ”Designing Sustainable Futures” Our annual Laurea International Week ”Designing Sustainable Futures” was organized on 18th – 22nd March... Lue lisää
In English 4.3.2024 Sustainable and competitive higher education – Benefits of international cooperation In a changing world, continuous renewal and global networking are essential for Finnish higher education... Lue lisää
2 11.9.2024 Vaikuttava korkeakoulu Limelight-hankkeessa projektiopintoja ekosysteemiajattelun äärellä
5 9.9.2024 In English, Keskustelunavaukset Kicking off Co-LIFE Project: Co-designing Learning for Impact-Focused Entrepreneurship (IFE) in India
6 6.9.2024 Keskustelunavaukset Opiskelijavaihto Madridissa – Monimuoto-opiskelijoille sopivia vaihtomahdollisuuksia löytyy, kun niitä osaa hakea
1 16.3.2023 In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu Laurea University of Applied Sciences and International Strategic Alliances
2 3.4.2024 In English, Keskustelunavaukset Laurea International Week 2024: ”Designing Sustainable Futures”
3 24.10.2022 In English, Keskustelunavaukset Together Towards a More Sustainable and Secure Environment – a Trip to Turība University, Riga
4 4.3.2024 In English Sustainable and competitive higher education – Benefits of international cooperation
6 4.5.2023 In English, Keskustelunavaukset Flamenco, Flamingos and Fantastic Times during International Week at University of Huelva