Avoimuus & vastuullisuus, In English 28.11.2024 Inside OECD’s Mission-Oriented Innovation Policy Approach In the face of today’s pressing societal challenges, mission-oriented innovation policies (MOIPs) offer a strategic... Lue lisää
In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu 1.11.2024 Practical Insights and Tools for Systemic Transitions How can transition theories be turned into practical tools for system change? At Engagement Week... Lue lisää
In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu 16.9.2024 How can organisations be more systemic through design? Systemic design is an approach for addressing complex issues, yet it often misses the organisational... Lue lisää
In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu 15.4.2024 We have to innovate how we innovate – the Polycrisis and Systemic Investing The challenges societal changemakers will face in the future are increasingly broad, uncertain, and entangled.... Lue lisää
In English, LbD & pedagogiikka, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu 25.1.2023 Re-thinking Leadership and Management in Construction – Development of a Holistic Leadership Balancer Training Leadership positions do not often appear appealing to engineering students. They often experience, that leadership... Lue lisää
2 14.2.2025 Hyvinvointi & terveyden edistäminen Hoitotyön harjoittelupolkumalli leikkausosastolla – sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden kokemuksia harjoitteluista
4 13.2.2025 Hyvinvointi & terveyden edistäminen Hoitotyön harjoittelupolkumalli leikkausosastolla – pilotin tulokset
1 16.9.2024 In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu How can organisations be more systemic through design?
2 15.4.2024 In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu We have to innovate how we innovate – the Polycrisis and Systemic Investing
4 25.1.2023 In English, LbD & pedagogiikka, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu Re-thinking Leadership and Management in Construction – Development of a Holistic Leadership Balancer Training
5 28.11.2024 Avoimuus & vastuullisuus, In English Inside OECD’s Mission-Oriented Innovation Policy Approach