In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu 15.4.2024 We have to innovate how we innovate – the Polycrisis and Systemic Investing The challenges societal changemakers will face in the future are increasingly broad, uncertain, and entangled.... Lue lisää
In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu 30.3.2023 Sociology and Ecosystems Orchestration – From exploring multiple perspectives to engaging them in sustainability practices In order to increase its relevance in applied settings, the discipline of sociology should be... Lue lisää
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1 15.4.2024 In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu We have to innovate how we innovate – the Polycrisis and Systemic Investing
2 30.3.2023 In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu Sociology and Ecosystems Orchestration – From exploring multiple perspectives to engaging them in sustainability practices