Digitaalinen yhteiskunta, In English 17.6.2024 International collaboration against cybercrime – experiences from CYCLOPES & Octopus 2023 Cybercrime is a global problem that requires international cooperation. This article describes how the CYCLOPES... Lue lisää
Avoimuus & vastuullisuus, In English 31.5.2024 Navigating Sustainability in Higher Education: Reflections from the International Week in Roskilde In April 2024, I had the opportunity to participate in an international week hosted by... Lue lisää
In English, Keskustelunavaukset 23.5.2024 Project success is the sum of many factors Every project is unique, and a successful project is always the sum of many different... Lue lisää
In English, Keskustelunavaukset 22.5.2024 Social Service Alumni Reunion For a long time, we teachers have contemplated organizing a reunion for the alumni of... Lue lisää
In English, Keskustelunavaukset 8.5.2024 Looking at internationalisation holistically in Burgenland, Austria Burgenland University of Applied Sciences is a partnership institute with Laurea University of Applied Sciences.... Lue lisää
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