In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu 14.3.2024 Diverse Talent Workshop Can Enhance Dialogical Skills and Ethical Competence in Higher Education Laurea University of Applied Sciences is a Finnish Higher Education Institute (HE), comprising of about... Lue lisää
In English 4.3.2024 Sustainable and competitive higher education – Benefits of international cooperation In a changing world, continuous renewal and global networking are essential for Finnish higher education... Lue lisää
In English, Keskustelunavaukset 4.3.2024 Tackling FIMI: Key Takeaways from ATHENA’s Brussels Meeting Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference (FIMI) represents a pressing challenge for the European Union, undermining... Lue lisää
In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu 28.2.2024 Illuminating Project Achievements Through Hybrid Seminars In the hybrid seminars, where onsite and online seamlessly converge, the question arises: How does... Lue lisää
In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu 26.2.2024 B2B Insights: Crisis types and response strategies Businesses are facing multiple crises that are threatening their existence. Some crises reappear in waves... Lue lisää
5 7.1.2025 Kansainvälisyys, Työelämä & asiantuntijuus Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei – HR-asiantuntijoiden matka Technische Hochschule Kölniin
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4 2.3.2020 Digitaalinen yhteiskunta Kuinka löytää se oikea? Matka digitaalisten oppimisalustojen maailmaan
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