In English, Keskustelunavaukset 29.4.2024 Project application to the EU – How does the funding body evaluate the proposal? Laurea University of Applied Sciences, together with its European partner universities, is interested in international... Lue lisää
In English, Keskustelunavaukset 29.4.2024 Project rumba – How do I make a good funding proposal? From time to time, I find myself discussing with Laurea colleagues and partners what makes... Lue lisää
Digitaalinen yhteiskunta, In English 24.4.2024 Towards the co-design, assessment, and validation of trustworthy AI within the MANOLO project Artificial intelligence (AI) ignites curiosity and concern in equal measure, driving conversations about its vast... Lue lisää
In English, Vaikuttava korkeakoulu 15.4.2024 We have to innovate how we innovate – the Polycrisis and Systemic Investing The challenges societal changemakers will face in the future are increasingly broad, uncertain, and entangled.... Lue lisää
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